Miriam Gassner

Mag. iur., Dr. iur., Vienna, LL.M.,
Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley,
Postdoctoral Fellow at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg i.Br. (currently on leave) and Lecturer at the University of Vienna (Austria).


lecture at UC Berkeley on Wednesday, November 6, 2024
Miriam Gassner on “Transfer of legal thought through migration?” – The story of Helen Silving (1906-1993)”
11 a.m.Noon. 201 Philosophy Hall, UC Berkeley

Erwin Schrödinger Grant
The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) has awarded Miriam Gassner the Erwin Schrödinger Grant for her research.

visting scholar at UC Berkeley
Miriam Gassner was appointed visiting scholar at the IES at UC Berkeley for the academic year 2024/25

Co-Organisation of the Conference:
2. Tagung des jungen Netzwerks Rechtsgeschichte
„Rechtssicherheit im Wandel der Zeit“
June 20-22, 2024 at the University of Vienna.

Organisation of the Conference:
Helen Silving-Ryu. Der Aufstieg einer jüdischen Migrantin aus Wien zur „First Lady of US-Criminal Law“
February 29, 2024 at the University of Vienna

schwarz-weiß Portrait von Theodor Körner

Theodor Körner-Prize 2023

The Board of Trustees of the Theodor Körner Fund has awarded Dr Miriam Gassner for her project „Female, Jewish, Forgotten? – The Women of the Vienna School of Legal Theory and their Contribution to Kelsen’s Theory of Law and Democracy“ for the 2023 sponsorship award.

Recently published:

Miriam Gassner - Der Vertrag von Sèvres

Der Vertrag von Sèvres – Vertragstext und Analyse des Friedensschlusses mit der Türkei vom 10. August 1920 im Kontext der Pariser Vorortverträge (Baden-Baden: Nomos 2023) (The Treaty of Sèvres – Treaty Text and Analysis of the Peace Treaty with Turkey of  August 10, 1920 in the Context of the Paris Peace Treaties (Baden-Baden: Nomos 2023).

open access

Ö1 – Radiokolleg: „Warum Recht nicht gleich Gerechtigkeit ist“
April 11-13, 2023 – on the occasion of Hans Kelsen’s 50th anniversary of death